75 Market St., Suite 341
Springfield, MA
(413) 324-8282
[email protected]

practice areas

Criminal Law
Being charged with a crime is extremely unnerving. I understand, I empathize, and I want to help you or your loved one get through the ordeal. Just as important as hiring an experienced attorney is hiring one who truly cares about your and your family's future. I encourage you to interview more than one attorney before deciding upon who you will choose to defend your or your family member's rights and future.

Estate Planning
Sadly, 70% of Americans do not have a will to direct who will care for their minor children and what will happen to their property when they pass on. Without a will your state dictates who will receive your property. Even if you do not own much, you need a will, power of attorney, health care proxy, and possibly a trust. Call and I will help you get things in order for you and your family.

Civil Litigation
Every now and then we all need a little legal advice. If you have a legal matter that I can help you with resolving, then I will take care of you as if you were one of my close family members. Feel free to give me a call if you have a question. If I do not know the answer, then I will be able to direct you to someone who will.

Government Work
I retain affiliation with government agencies as a consultant and possess a US Government top secret clearance and am certified to practice law as a military lawyer. If you have an issue with a government agency, chances are that I will be more than capable of helping you resolve it. Feel free to give me a call.

Call (413) 324-8282 to schedule your appointment today

Criminal Law
Criminal Law
Estate Planning
Estate Planning
Civil Litigation
Civil Litigation
Government Work
Government Work
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